12) entering The village of platic horses about 11:15am 13) Downtown
14) about 2/3 of the horses are in this..... 15) Plant manager Brian and the rest of the horses in open boxes..
16)My first look at the herd....
17) Somehow, its like meeting an old friend.... 18)Stevo, Brian, John and a horse in front of the warehouse
19) John rounds up some stragglers
20) John rounding up strays 21) Brian helping secure the load
24) Lunch at LJS day 2..... 25) Looks like it's going to come up a cloud...
26) Starting to rain in Ohio 27) Cincinnatti by day
28)Cinnci skyline.... John prefers the plains.. 29) bad weather rolling in....
30) Cinci scenery 31) I finally give out, Red takes over driving. I sleep a couple winks
Coffee stop.... Ohioans are apparently overly concerend with safety...
32) Kentucky... 2 pm TORNADO WARNING on radio!!!!!
34) Kentucky...Possible tornado, hail and rain... about 3pm
35) In the tornado about 4:00 pm 36)More storm
37) IT IS STILL DAYTIME!!!!! See bright sky to the West?
38) Pesky horse trying to graze on my Chicarrones!!!! We stopped in Nashville for supper after the weather, then onto Cookeville about 11 pm, where we spent the night and picked up the kids from the Grandparents... 39) John checks the load
40) more driving... John is on lookout.. 41) McMinnville COMING UP....
42) Back in the MACK!!! (Home of Dottie West the sign says..) 43) John unloading
44) Door to Door, 1300 miles, from 5 pm Friday to 12 noon Sunday
45) the first layer of horses!
46) 2nd layer almost done.... 47) last layer....
48) John and the fruits of our labor, a history making trail drive!!! THANKS JOHN!
49) The entire herd, awaiting gluing and painting!
about 10 of each character awaiting boxes (Shadows on left, right front row Whiskeys, right back row Monterey!)
10 more Monterey and 10 more Shadows.....
the first 30 (10 of each BOXED and almost ready to go!!